"Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see but your soul you must keep totally free."

Saturday, 28 November 2015

What am I? ~ A poem

I resemble a poem. I feel no limitations and I can be creative without taking risks. I can be evocative just like poetry; filled with intense emotions such as joy, sorrow, anger, catharsis, love and the like. I am also imaginative and descriptive. My life has a focused purpose, just like a poem. Poetry is created from the soul, it feeds from your emotions and squeezes out every ounce of creativity from your delicate bones. It cannot be summed up or critiqued in a few short words. The only thing that matters is the connection between the reader and how the writer portrays in his/her masterpiece. Poetry is that desire deep down in my heart. It latches on and unravels, planting its seeds into my veins. Throughout these veins, talent begins to flow. It lets my imagination run wild, after all, it is my canvas. Words your paint, you my friend the artist. An artist filled with inspiration, ready to burst. Poetry can be written in any way shape or form. It has no mistakes, wrong answers or rules. It is solely a window to your perception, which I cannot define. My own attempt at getting at the essence of poetry will be more humble; poetry is the creation of meaningful beauty by means of words, which thus both create and express who or what we are. There are no limits as to the subject matter of poetry. Whatever our human hearts and minds can contemplate or brood over or entertain is fair game. Such is the power of poetry. The trick is to stop resisting it. The trick is to recognize, implicitly, that the language of poetry is simply our ordinary language renewed and intensified. It is as if something were being said and thus created and brought into reality for the first time. When it comes to a good poem, each time is the first time. The words become ours. We become the words. So that only after things are what we say they are, can they really be what they are to begin with. So give it a try and see for yourself, only then will we ultimately understand poetry :)

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